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How important do you consider your relationship with nature?

Select one option

Please tell us why you answered this way

What do you think are the main reasons to protect and restore nature in South Yorkshire?

Select one or more options

Who do you think would most appreciate an increase in nature in South Yorkshire?

Please explain why you selected the group who would appreciate an increase in nature the most

How often have you visited the following, within South Yorkshire?

When might nature conflict with other priorities, or even be a nuisance, in South Yorkshire?

Overall, how would you rate the quality of your local green spaces? By local we mean within a 15 to 20 minute walk of your home

Select one option

Which factors influenced your rating of your local green space the most?

Select one or more options

How concerned are you about the decline in nature in South Yorkshire?

Conservation groups have been working to look after nature for decades. What do you think are the main barriers to increasing nature in South Yorkshire?

Select one or more options

Who do you think is responsible for increasing nature in South Yorkshire?

Slide left for less responsible and right for more responsible

Local people


Local businesses


Community organisations




Local authorities


Visitors to the area


Conservation organisations


Central government


National Park Authorities


Statutory bodies like Environment Agency, Forestry and Natural England


Any other group


Choose four images that represent what you feel the future of your city/town/village local green space should be

Please briefly describe why you chose those four

Choose four images that represent what you feel the future of the wider landscape of South Yorkshire should be

Please briefly describe why you chose those four

Do you currently do anything to help nature? If so, please briefly describe what you do

If you would like to do more to help nature, what support would help you?

Which of the following might you be interested in taking part in to help nature in South Yorkshire?

Select one or more options

Is there anything preventing you helping with nature recovery activities within your community/area?

What would help you engage with nature more and how?