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South Yorkshire’s Local Nature Recovery Strategy

What is a Local Nature Recovery Strategy?

A Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) is a regional strategy to develop a plan for restoring and improving South Yorkshire’s natural environment. It’s something that we’re required to produce by government, but we also want to ensure our natural environment is sustainable now and for future generations. The aim of the LNRS is to agree actions and priorities which will drive positive changes for our natural environment.

Led by South Yorkshire’s Mayor, Oliver Coppard, the new strategy will identify, protect, enhance, and create habitats across South Yorkshire, supporting environmental recovery whilst tackling species and habitat loss.

The strategy has the potential to identify opportunities for nature-based solutions, such as flood risk management and lowering carbon emissions through new trees, woodlands, and healthier soils.

We need your views!

We want the Local Nature Recovery Strategy to be informed and written by putting our communities front and centre. That’s why SYMCA is seeking the views of everyone in South Yorkshire on the development of the LNRS.

Public consultation and community engagement will take place from Tuesday 20th August.

We are running an online survey alongside a series of workshops, webinars, and events for you to find out more about the LNRS and to have your say on how it is shaped.

We want to hear about what matters to you when it comes to nature in your local area. South Yorkshire is a vibrant mix of industrial, urban, and green spaces. We want to understand how you use these areas, and how they can be improved.

Green spaces, or spaces of nature and biodiversity can be anything from a park, a grass verge, an allotment, woodlands, street trees, gardens, landscaping, wetlands and more. We want to know your thoughts on nature, species, and habitats in your local area, and to know which areas of the recovery of our natural world you think should be prioritised.

If you live in South Yorkshire, then we need your views to help us create a Local Nature Recovery Strategy that works for everyone!

The final draft of the LNRS will go out for public consultation in early 2025 before being published later that year.

Find out more and have your say: